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Panorama of Paris Selections from Le Tableau De Paris by Mercier, Louis Sebastien, P... ISBN: 9780271019314 List Price: $27.95
Naval Tactics; or, a Treatise of Evolutions and Signals, with Cuts, Lately Published in Fran... by Bigot De Morogues, Sebastie... ISBN: 9781170149959 List Price: $23.75
Long Dimanche de Fiancailles by Japrisot, Sebastien ISBN: 9782070387366
New Method of Fortification, As Practised by Monsieur de Vauban, Together with a New Treatis... by Vauban, Sebastien Le Prestr... ISBN: 9781170990889 List Price: $27.75
Mémoire Sur les Travaux Qui Ont Rapport a L'Exploitation de la Mâture Dans les Pyrennées Ave... by Le Roy, J. J. Sebastien ISBN: 9781171001409 List Price: $21.75
New Method of Fortification, As Practisedby Monsieur de Vauban, Engineer-General of France T... by Vauban, Sebastien Le Prestr... ISBN: 9781171038962 List Price: $27.75
New Method of Fortification, As Practised by Monsieur de Vauban, Together with a New Treatis... by Vauban, Sebastien Le Prestr... ISBN: 9781140895497 List Price: $27.75
Multiscale and Multiresolution Approaches in Turbulence - LES, DES and Hybrid RANS/LES Metho... by Pierre Sagaut, Sebastien De... ISBN: 9781848169869 List Price: $128.00
El herbario de las hadas / The herbarium of the fairies (Spanish Edition) by Benjamin Lacombe, Sebastien... ISBN: 9788426381828 List Price: $37.95
Mon Bonnet de Nuit Par M Mercier by Mercier, Louis Sebastien ISBN: 9781140866121 List Price: $29.75
Escalade : Pathologies de la Main et des Doigts by Gnecchi, Sebastien, Moutet,... ISBN: 9782817800066 List Price: $69.95
Passion DES Femmes by Japrisot, Sebastien ISBN: 9782070380343
Eloge De La Fontaine (1774) (French Edition) by Chamfort, Sebastien Roch Ni... ISBN: 9781165883561 List Price: $12.76
De Senatu Romano: Sub Imperatoribus Augusto Tiberioque (1859) (Latin Edition) by Dumeril, Alfred Emile Sebas... ISBN: 9781160411332 List Price: $17.95
Elements of Naval Architecture : Being A Translation of the Third Part of A Work Entitled Tr... by Clairbois, Honore Sebastien... ISBN: 9781168728784 List Price: $25.56
Discours Sur la Structure des Fleurs : Sermo de Structura Florum (1718) by Vaillant, Sebastien ISBN: 9781169214934 List Price: $25.56
Passion Selon Saint Jean de Jean Sebastien Bach by Delhaye, Louis ISBN: 9781169562332 List Price: $24.76
Eloge de la Fontaine by Chamfort, Sebastien Roch Ni... ISBN: 9781169654266 List Price: $24.76
Monde Dantesque Ou les Papes Au Moyen Age : La Monarchie Universelle et la Langue Vulgaire (... by Dante Alighieri, De Cesena,... ISBN: 9781167570742 List Price: $21.56
De L'Impossibilite du Systeme Astronomique de Copernic et de Newton by Mercier, Louis Sebastien ISBN: 9781167641374 List Price: $25.56
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